Crystal receiver for the BTTF 2006 Hi all, here some updates, For the 2006 BTTF contest I spent
some time modifying the last years receiver, that one seemed to be good,
I won the contest, but everything can be improved, how good it is. I
enjoyed working on these receivers, it just happens to get first place. The C`s and reductions are coupled with eachother through ceramic insulators, and bolted onto a flat piece ofpolypropylene. The detector diode is not a 1N34 like last year,
but a HSMS2865 schottkey diode (2 diodes in 1 smd housing) . On the
receivers output not a 1925 bakelite headset. Now there are 4
transformers. The primairy sides of these are coupled in series to get
80KΩ x 4 = 320KΩ. Secundairy sides are 2x2 in
series and then in parallel to get 8Ω again. Then a Bogen T725 is
connected to that 8Ω. The secundary side of the Bogen is connected to a
"soundpowered decktalker" with a impedance of 130Ω.
Here the complete loglist